I Need To Confess

July 30, 2018

I need to confess something.

Pretty deep, and no one really knows this - but here it goes...

Let me start with a warning - this post will not interest many of you, but it's about me, so take that as you will!

I am very quickly becoming a Lawn Care Nut.

I started getting the itch late spring into early Summer, a little late late but I HAD to act on it! So, this is what I did.

The process started like this.

And then this.

And the end result was this.

Until a drought happened and now it looks like this.

The strip that you see was a "test plot" if you will, for what I am hoping my entire lawn will look like next year around this time.

So - this patch of grass came in full and luscious and dense. Perfect amounts of rain, mixed with fertilizer and other products led to great results.

But then the sun came, and that came with high temps, and of course, no rain. Being new to the game, I didn't water, I didn't know I had to once it had come in like it did. Time got away from me and before I knew it the sun had won.

So I gave up, for now.

But as I was giving up for this year, I began ramping up preparations for the end of this year into next year.

I started creating a plan.

I subscribed to Alyn Hane's website, self proclaimed "Lan Care Nut". I purchased a cool season lawn guide that walks you through a DIY tutorial to have the best lawn in the neighborhood. So it says.

I mixed some of his philosophies with some that I have come up with through my own research and have come up with this.

Strahls Lawn Renovation Guide

This is a living and breathing document and accessible to you! I will keep it updated as I learn.

This guide is for cool season turf, i.e. Kentucky Bluegrass, Fescue, Ryegrass and Turf Type Tall Fescue.

A lot of grass around me locally are among these types, but there are some warmer season turfs as well, i.e. Bermuda, Zoysia and others. Some of these tactics will work but this guide is not designed specifically for them, so I do not recommend using them.

I am excited to get this journey started in late August/Early September.

I will update you here as well!

Thanks for reading,
